572 Lancaster Ave,Bryn Mawr PA, 19010                                 NEW Store Hours: Tues-Fri 11AM to 3PM    Sat-Mon: Closed / By appoinment only

framing & matting

Custom Framing

We can frame and preserve any print, whether it is a photograph, child’s artwork, canvas, or artist’s original. We use only archival materials to preserve the piece for future generations. All of our framing is done in-house to insure quality and quick turnaround. Come visit us and our expert framers will assist you in choosing just the right options for your piece from our extensive selection.

Custom Framing
Custom Matting

Custom Matting

Our custom mat cutting is completed on-premise using acid-free archival mat board. Our beautiful palette of mats, ranging from classic neutrals to vibrant colors, are designed to complement a wide variety of home decor. Whether you are matting a child’s finger painting, a photograph, or a work of art, The Camera Shop has the selection you need to complete your project.

Ready-made Frames

We also have a wide variety of ready-made frames for print sizes as small as wallets and as large as 24x36 posters. If your original piece is a non-standard size, don’t worry! Simply choose a larger frame, and we can cut a custom mat to fit the piece.

make an Appointment


Ready-made Frames